Thursday, September 16, 2010

In Memoriam: Gordon, Bob and Paul

Those of us involved in the music performance and pedagogy profession in Alberta have had to bid farewell to three veritable giants in the past three months. Gordon Hafso, for many years a professor of choral and church music at Concordia University College in Edmonton, and before that a minister of music at a prominent Lutheran church in Los Angeles, passed away in early July. Less than a month ago, Bob Cook, for many years a visionary musician and administrator in the Alberta government who had much to do with the development of music education in this province, died at his retirement home in Montana. Then, this past week, Paul Bourret, a choral conductor and mentor to many in Edmonton and across the province who founded several vibrant choral ensembles in the Columbian Choir program, and was a mainstay in the Alberta Music Festival Association for decades, passed away. It has been a difficult summer for musicians and especially choral musicians who were blessed by the tremendous generosity and vision of these three individuals.

I was able to attend the memorial services for Gordon and for Paul. What struck me in both cases was the depth of feeling and celebratory spirit that attended both of these services. The music was at times overwhelmingly beautiful and heartfelt, a genuine response from the many singers and players who had made music with these mentors. Celebrations of lives well lived.

I did not know any of them too well, but can easily detect the strong influence they have had on the cultural community we currently enjoy and thrive in. Attending Paul Bourret's memorial service a couple of days ago, I was deeply moved to read a poem written as a Memoriam to Paul by his very close friend, Bob Cook:

Between the miracle of the seed
And the certainty of the stone
There is an uncertain space called life.
It is not measured by the calendar or clock
But rather, by those treasured moments
Which make time useless and space infinite -
As it is when He dwells in us, and we in HIm also.

Rest in peace, gentlemen - you occupied the uncertain space called life with uncompromising vision and courage.


  1. Well said, Len! Thank you.

  2. Nicely done, Len. I'll send you a leaflet from Bob's Memorial Service.
